Watch Free Degrassi The Next Generation Season 13 Episode 14 Barely Breathing

The next generation of the students at Degrassi are here. Degrassi: The Next Generation takes place 14 years after the cult hit show "Degrassi Junior High" as students continue to deal with the obstacles of being a teenager. From issues like relationship problems, homosexuality and bullying to more darker issues like rape, school shooting and death. Degrassi: The Next Generation plunges into the world of what this generation is really going through.Live Streaming Video Free Online Tv at Home Game online for Live stream Video on your Online TV Broad cast This is an amazing teen drama that should be recommended watching for all teens. The characters are 3 dimensional and all sorts of religions and races are showcased.

Some of the episodes are more intense than others, which is just like teen life. Sometimes horrible things happen, sometimes they don't. This show covers all ranges of topics, including teen pregnancy, abusive boyfriends and homosexuality. These are all topics that teens experience in high school, and there is no sugar-coating.

My favourite character is Marco, and I feel he has really grown as a character. He started out as just another guy, but turned into a sensitive, sweet, and overall amazing guy.

I definitely recommend teens watch this, but also parents. I know my mom loves watching it with me! What I don't recommend is anyone under 12 watching this. I have met people who just don't get it, and think it's gross or stupid because they are too young to comprehend what is going on. It is a great Canadian (yeah!!!) teen show.

9 stars out of 10. (I don't believe in anything being perfect, I think everything can be improved) This may not live up to the level of the original '80s Degrassi series, but I still think this is the best (new) show ever for the set age group (preteens and teens). This NOT a fluffy and unrealistic show like Dawson's Creek or Saved By The Bell; it deals with issues many kids face in real life (discrimination, drugs, rumors, and so forth), and often like in real life, things don't just get back to normal at the end of each episode.

The characters on this show range from fantastic to 'eh.' My absolute favorites are Terri and Sean. Terri is VERY sweet and goes to show you that you don't have to be underweight to be beautiful. Sean's often misunderstood. Most see him as a rebel, but he's really a sensitive and loving kid who comes from a bad family.

Tobey and J.T. are great together, though J.T. gets on my nerves sometimes. I don't care much for Liberty or Paige for the fact that they're a bit over the top. Emma's self-righteous at times, but she's still a good character (she's also the daughter of one of the original Degrassi characters, Spike). Manny, Ashley, Jimmy, Spinner, and Craig are all okay too. (I'd say more about these characters but I don't want it to get too long!)