Watch Free The Colbert Report Season 9 Episode 137 Daniel Lieberman

An, offshoot of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report (the Ts in Colbert and in Report are silent) is a parody of shows like "The O'Reilly Factor." Colbert begins the show with teasers about the show's content and then the credits go by, with a giant eagle and the stars and stripes featured predominantly.Live Streaming Video Free Online Tv at Home Game online for Live stream Video on your Online TV Broad cast I didn't know what to expect when I saw this show. Comedy Central has a way of releasing shows that look promising, and then disappointing me with them.

But the Colbert Report is very funny, slightly ridiculous, and definitely worth the time.

It's a parody of shows like the O'Reilley Factor. It has a host (Daily Show veteran Stephen Colbert)whose persona is very self-important and self-centered. His name is on everything, all over the set, and his desk is shaped like a giant C. (C stands for Colbert, he reminds us).

The show consists primarily of Stephen Colbert, in his Daily Show persona, sitting at a desk and giving his opinions on things. It's all done in the spirit of satire, parodying popular journalism and the tendency of people who have no expertise to get a lot of camera time, despite the fact that their opinions are basically worthless.Last night's first episode of the Colbert Report was a sign of great things to come. Stephen Colbert has already made his name as a correspondent on The Daily Show (sometimes under brilliantly ridiculous monachers), and branching out onto his own show I'm looking forward to more. If there is more to be expected, with more variety, it's definitely welcome, but on sight of the first episode I'm already hyped for it. Basically, Colbert is a combination of the several 'taling-head' talk-show hosts on Cable TV news networks, with huge egos in the guise of traditional journalism. In particular, one can see the lampooning of Bill O'Reilly, which whether or not you're a fan of his you'll find some humor (I'm very much not, but it may not be too deterring for O'Reilly's main base). The set-ups like 'The Word', and a competition with another TV correspondent with strange phrasing, are hysterical, and sometimes more subtle than the Daily Show material.

If you like Colbert's stuff, it's a must-see, and if you're a newcomer to the show (and might not watch the Daily Show much) it's worth a viewing. One thing's for sure, like the Daily Show, it's a breath of fresh air in the realm of the mildly Jon Stewart and the Daily Show crew are masters at taking bland, idiotic political bickering and turning it into some of the funniest comedy on television. Stephen Colbert has shown a similar talent with respect to political punditry. Commentators like Bill O' Reilly undoubtedly have their hardcore followers, but to most Americans these type of politically-driven TV personalities come off as obnoxious blow-hards. Colbert does an excellent job capturing the pomposity and intellectual dishonesty of what, unfortunately in this age, is referred to as political commentary. For example, he teased an upcoming segment about the Intelligent Design debate by stating: "Coming up, I'll ask a leading expert in evolution why he hates The Lord." Parody such as that is not only hilarious, but is an eerily accurate depiction of what you find on the cable TV news "debate shows." Highly recommended to anyone, especially those who think the political arena in the United States has become a sad, pathetic three-ring circus.outrageous.Where do I begin with Stephen Colbert and the report - quite simply it has revived my spirits that the world we live in can still bring to us a show and a person who can deliver what no-one else in any media can.

Incredibly funny, sharp, incisive, clever, biting the adjectives are endless. Colbert's brilliance is - as others have put it - the fake punch. Pretending to oppose his interviewees while actually pointing the sharp end at the corruption & evils of the world that we live in right now.

Stephen promotes Science, Space Travel, Environmental Awareness, Equality & Racial/Religious tolerance (he is the *ONLY* pro-catholic non-Christian-bashing person in any form of mainstream media anywhere on the planet right now). And he manages all this and many more positive messages with his incredibly funny, self-absorbed on-screen persona that rightfully has the audience in stitches when they're not on their feet cheering.

I proudly bought my C.O.L.B.E.R.T. patch at NASA Kennedy Space Center (so good I had to buy two!) and will wear & display them to anyone who will notice, and try to tell as many people as I can to watch this show.

So Heroes - you are all officially mobilized to Code-Sierra-Alpha, and spread the WORD to everyone about the greatest satirical show in the history of television !!

Long live Stephen. Stephen for President. Stephen for Pope. Stephen for King. etc...
