Online The Colbert Report Season 9 Episode 138 Peter Baker Review

An, offshoot of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report (the Ts in Colbert and in Report are silent) is a parody of shows like "The O'Reilly Factor." Colbert begins the show with teasers about the show's content and then the credits go by, with a giant eagle and the stars and stripes featured predominantly.Live Streaming Video Free Online Tv at Home Game online for Live stream Video on your Online TV Broad cast
Last night's first episode of the Colbert Report was a sign of great things to come. Stephen Colbert has already made his name as a correspondent on The Daily Show (sometimes under brilliantly ridiculous monachers), and branching out onto his own show I'm looking forward to more. If there is more to be expected, with more variety, it's definitely welcome, but on sight of the first episode I'm already hyped for it. Basically, Colbert is a combination of the several 'taling-head' talk-show hosts on Cable TV news networks, with huge egos in the guise of traditional journalism. In particular, one can see the lampooning of Bill O'Reilly, which whether or not you're a fan of his you'll find some humor (I'm very much not, but it may not be too deterring for O'Reilly's main base). The set-ups like 'The Word', and a competition with another TV correspondent with strange phrasing, are hysterical, and sometimes more subtle than the Daily Show material.

If you like Colbert's stuff, it's a must-see, and if you're a newcomer to the show (and might not watch the Daily Show much) it's worth a viewing. One thing's for sure, like the Daily Show, it's a breath of fresh air in the realm of the mildly outrageous.Not being a usual Daily Show viewer (It's funny, but doesn't merit my addiction), I only found out about The Colbert Report 8 episodes into it. The first episode I saw was the one about Harriet Miers, and from then on I was hooked. Colbert is absolutely brilliant. The show is hilarious...from his ridiculous interviews, to The Word ("Quitter" on the Miers episode), to Colbert's aura of gravitas and his wicked wit, the show is nothing short of amazing. Better than the Daily Show any day. The only bad thing about The Colbert Report is the fact that it's only on four nights a week.

And, to end on an awesome quote - On Harriet Miers: "It is good you quit, because you are a quitter. Not an 'acquitter,' because only judges can acquit, and you will never be a judge, because you are a quitter." -Stephen Colbert The Colbert Report features The Daily Show's Stephen Colbert behind his own anchor desk on his own show. The entire set was designed to parody the sets of most newsrooms, with the name of the show appearing nearly everywhere, illuminated with bright lights. Colbert's desk was even shaped like a giant C. Anyway, onto the content.

The first show had a hilarious contest between anchor Stone Philips and Colbert, where each sought to display their "gravitas," essentially saying pointless, meaningless b.s. in the serious tone of a reporter. It also featured Colbert parodying Bill O'Reilly's talk of "elite media" on his show. Colbert's dress is even similar to O'Reilly's. I hope the mock-O'Reilly theme continues. Overall, it didn't appear as good as the Daily Show, but then again, it may be too early to tell..Where do I begin with Stephen Colbert and the report - quite simply it has revived my spirits that the world we live in can still bring to us a show and a person who can deliver what no-one else in any media can.

Incredibly funny, sharp, incisive, clever, biting the adjectives are endless. Colbert's brilliance is - as others have put it - the fake punch. Pretending to oppose his interviewees while actually pointing the sharp end at the corruption & evils of the world that we live in right now.

Stephen promotes Science, Space Travel, Environmental Awareness, Equality & Racial/Religious tolerance (he is the *ONLY* pro-catholic non-Christian-bashing person in any form of mainstream media anywhere on the planet right now). And he manages all this and many more positive messages with his incredibly funny, self-absorbed on-screen persona that rightfully has the audience in stitches when they're not on their feet cheering.

I proudly bought my C.O.L.B.E.R.T. patch at NASA Kennedy Space Center (so good I had to buy two!) and will wear & display them to anyone who will notice, and try to tell as many people as I can to watch this show.

So Heroes - you are all officially mobilized to Code-Sierra-Alpha, and spread the WORD to everyone about the greatest satirical show in the history of television !!

Long live Stephen. Stephen for President. Stephen for Pope. Stephen for King. etc...