Online Big Brother (US) Season 15 Episode 22 Episode 22 Live Eviction 8 & HoH Comp 9 Review

win $500,000 in a house wired with cameras and microphones, capturing their every move for a TV and Internet audience. When you are HOH you choose 2 of the house guests to be nominated to be evicted from the houseLive Streaming Video Free Online Tv at Home Game online for Live stream Video on your Online TV Broad cast. But then there is the veto competition where 6 of the house guests, the HOH, two nominees, and two randomly drawn players (it used to be the Hoh and noms got to pick 1 person each to play but not anymore). Whoever wins veto can take someone off the block (and they can't be nominated)or leave the noms as is. Then on eviction night everyone except the HOH and 2 noms vote on who is evicted. When there are 9 players left everyone voted off after gets sent to sequester until the final two when they vote for who gets the $500,000 dollar prize.

Okay now Big brother will not win an Emmy anytime soon but it is very entertaining to watch how everything unfolds and I happen to think that sometimes the game is more strategic than Surivor. You must be physical and mental to win the game. And oh yeah, being liked never hurts.

There are always players that win a lot (Janelle, season 6 & All Stars), manipulative players (the evil Dr. Will, season 2 and All Stars), the sidekick (Mike 'Boogie' Season 2 & All stars, Howie, Season 6 & All Stars), the person that needs a good push off their pedestal, I probably spelt that wrong, (Eric 'Cappy' Season 6, Scott Season 5). These players always bring fun to the game and antoher fun bit. If you don't win the food competition you must eat only PB&J (seasons 1-6) or slop (all stars). Slop has been called 'The devil's oatmeal', there is a new food competition each week. If you lose you are on slop, PB&J for a whole week.

Now I must go and if you are reading this part then I thank you for wasting probably a good four minutes to do so. I'll share with you who I wanted to win in all seasons up to All Stars. Season 1- Chicken George Season 2- Dr. Will Season 3- Marcellus or Lisa Season 4- Jun or Jack Season 5- Diane season 6- Janelle Season 7, All Stars- Dr. Will or Janelle. the solar plexus might as well have packed their bags and followed suit. Most houseguests would have become next week's target and forced to do exactly that. Dan Gheesling isn't like most houseguests. Not only did Dan endure the second week, but he endured all the weeks, emerging as the winner of Big Brother 10 in a unanimous seven to zero win for that coveted half a million dollars.

Realizing he had some bridges to repair, Dan quickly relocated into a calm, quiet presence in the house letting drama kings and queens like Jessie and Renny take centre stage. His strategy worked. The spotlight was off him. His alliance with Brian on the back burner of everyone's mind. He was safe.

Week after week, Dan played the physically feeble competitor, forgoing POV wins, HOH wins, allowing others to shine and become targeted. Steven and Angie were the new targets and they respectfully followed Brian's exit out the Big Brother house.

Then came week four. The week of the twist. The week of America's Player. The week Dan started on his journey to become the best player of this season. He accepted the challenge of America's Player; not only completing all the required tasks, but surviving speculation and accusations by Libra and Michelle that he was a plant. And still, the charming Catholic school teacher wasn't targeted. The opposite happened. He became the vote everyone wanted.

Both sides of the house came at him. Which one would he side with? The one's determined to kick Memphis out the door, or those gunning for Jessie? Fortunately, America made the decision for him in voting out Jessie thus aligning himself with Memphis to create the unstoppable Renegades. Afterwards there was no stopping Dan. He played the house expertly. He knew his house mates inside and out and his strategy was unquestionably brilliant.

Dan never fell into the trap the others did. He kept his emotions in check. His temper guarded. His tongue was soothing and charming instead of dripping with venom. When Jerry was outing him as "Judas" to one and all he never retaliated. He let it all roll off his back, and rose above the catty name calling, the verbal abuse, and the threats. When he chanced the potentially backfiring game of Replacement POV Roulette he still remained calm under fire.