Online Royal Pains Season 5 Episode 3 Lawson Translation Review

Royal Pains centers on a young E.R. doctor who, after being wrongly blamed for a patient's death, moves to the Hamptons and becomes the reluctant "doctor for hire" to the rich and famous. When the attractive administrator of the local hospital asks him to treat the town's less fortunate, he finds himself walking the line between doing well for himself and doing good for others.Live Streaming Video Free Online Tv at Home Game online for Live stream Video on your Online TV Broad cast
In an attempt to cheer him up, his brother takes him to the Hamptons for a party weekend. Accidental patients pop up despite his resistance to become involved as a 'private physician to the rich', and finally he gives in and agrees to stay in the area. He winds up agreeing partly because his other job opportunities appear to be blocked off for the time being, and because a local hospital administrator convinces him that he can help take some of the pressure from the local hospital staff, who are often beset by minor problems from rich and demanding people.

The show was amusing, sexy, and seemingly well informed. I don't know what the market really is for private physicians, but whether or not it exists, this show sold the possible concept acceptably.

So far, only a couple of episodes have seemed a bit flat. Most are lively and deal with medical issues that aren't so far fetched as those on House, for example. The show where the brothers agreed to accompany a rich family to a private island was a hoot, and my favorite to date.

Of course, the success of the show in the long term will depend on their ability to come up with a couple of medical problems per show that aren't repetitive or trite, or making the Doc look like too much of an unbelievable miracle worker at a house call. This will be a more challenging writing puzzle than a hospital based medical show, or the standard murder mystery fair that USA has also been quite successful with.

Follow up note: The writers seem to have reached the balance I mentioned a year ago. The season opening episode this year about the problems with the infomercial businessman was amusing, interesting, and dramatic, and the medical mystery involving him was also interesting and made sense at the end. My wife and I both continue to enjoy this show, and it is one of the few that the DVR is set to record all new episodes in the series. I LOVE this show!! I was looking forward to this as a summer series when my other favorite shows ended for the season. I love doctor/lawyer/medical/murder/investigation/puzzle type shows, and this show totally hooked me by the first commercial break in the pilot! This is the first original show on USA that I've seen, because my life is so busy that I just don't watch that much TV, but I have made room in my schedule for Hank. I love the fact that Hank isn't just treating the ultra-rich, but also people who need him and can't possibly pay. I also love the fact that the series started with interesting and complicated characters and I am really looking forward to learning more about Jill, Divya and Boris. Some of the personality types that Hank has come across are not just limited to the ultra rich, I've seen people who are obsessed with WebMD and pro-biotic yogurt as well as people who try to stay out of the limelight but at the same time know everything that's going on with everybody. I can't wait to see what happens next! ROCK ON USA!!